Podcast Growth Campaigns

Powered by the Content Allies Listen Network

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Reach Listeners Who Are Really Tuned In

Everyone wants to grow their podcast audience, but traditional advertising based on impressions isn’t effective. We have a targeted approach that puts your podcast in front of users who are interested in what you’re talking about. They can immediately listen to your episode, which results in dramatic increases in real engagement. 

and hundreds more!… including niche publications.


How it Works

Targeted Podcast Ads with Built-in Players

Our system places ads in web, mobile web, apps, and post-video plays using targeted, content-sensitive data from TowerData and LiveRamp. This ensures that the article the person is reading relates to the topics of your episode. The inline player allows visitors to listen to the episode instantly without leaving the web page or app.

We use your ad spend to deliver validated listens. Not impressions or clicks, but targeted listens of your podcast content. Additionally, you’ll soon be able to drive calls to action like click-through web traffic and podcast subscriptions.


Dramatic Podcast Ads Results

Unparalleled Targeting, Exceptional Efficiency

Traditional paid media approaches don't grow your podcast. This method empowers you to target users based on topic, niche, content, demography, household, education, occupation, and income. You can then retarget listeners who tuned in with engaging content relevant to their interests.

Our lifecycle growth campaigns grow your audience consistently and reliably to support your commercial efforts. Get maximum ROI, a high conversion rate, and optimized podcast engagement.


Contact us to find out how targeted advertising can grow your podcast.

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