A Podcast that helps companies build high-performing teams


The team at MSH, a leading global talent solutions firm based in Miami and New York, with multiple international offices, wanted to create a podcast that boosted exposure for their CEO, Oz Rashid.

They felt like they hadn’t leaned into Oz’s personal and professional story hard enough, and they wanted to amplify his voice to a wider audience and position him as a thought leader in their industry.

They turned to Content Allies based on our stellar reputation and many strong recommendations.

Content Allies lived up to our reputation, delivering excellent results and effectively elevating the CEO's visibility and storytelling capabilities.

From a Title to a Show

When we got started with Landon, Oz, and the MSH podcast support team, all they had was a title, Hire Learning.

We developed all the brand assets, created a stand-alone website for the show and put the guest scheduling process into action.


Keeping the Cadence Up

From the beginning, Oz wanted to do a weekly show. This can create guest scheduling challenges. But with our deep well of contacts and stellar reputation, we were able to fill the guest list quickly to keep the weekly cadence on track.


Notable guests booked on the Hire Learning podcast came from organizations like:


After a slow start, Hire Learning saw major increases in metrics across the board.


We created social media assets for each episode, that the MSH team was able to use to continue to interact positively with the guests.

Ready to launch your podcast?

Content Allies is here to help you every step of the way.

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