How a tech company engaged their target customers through podcasting
48+ Subscription Business Executives Engaged
Rebar Technology is a software & services company that focuses on helping subscription companies scale. They knew they needed a way to get in front of their ideal prospects, and build a name for themselves in the industry at the same time.
That is why they launched a podcast with Content Allies.
Through the podcast, Content Allies has booked 48+ interviews with CEO’s of some of the biggest name subscription companies like Clickfunnels, PetPlate, CurlMix, Fernish and more. All of these companies match the exact buyer persona for Rebar technology.
Interviews scheduled with ideal buyers
“Through the podcast, Content Allies has booked 50+ interviews with CEO’s of some of the biggest name subscription companies like Clickfunnels, PetPlate, CurlMix, Fernish, ButcherBox and more.”
Minimal time required
“In total, with prep time, it takes me about one hour from start to finish for each podcast episode. Content Allies schedules the guests, and then I may email with them on topics before the show.
Otherwise I show up, record the interview and then ship the files off to Content Allies. They do everything else.”
How we support Rebar Technology
Show Strategy & Launch
Audio Production
Show Notes Writing
Repurposing each episode into an SEO optimized article
Guest Outreach & Scheduling
Social Media Video Creation
Social Post Creation & Publishing
Podcast Publishing & Syndication to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, etc.
Paid Podcast Promotion
Listen to the podcast
Social Media Examples
Quote Block
Social Video
Grow your company through podcasting
We help B2B companies launch revenue-generating podcasts. We schedule podcast interviews between you and your ideal prospects & partners. You show up to have conversations, we handle EVERYTHING else. Contact us today to learn more.