How Content Allies Creates Your Podcast Strategy & Plan


Here at Content Allies we’ve found that before our clients come to us, they’ve been bogged down in a neverending planning process. Because podcast production and publication is a newer skill set at many large companies, there’s a desire to make sure that everything is perfect before launching. But that thinking doesn’t take podcasting for what it is: a raw medium that almost always gets better over time. We help our clients break through this logjam that prizes “perfect” over “done,” so they can launch their podcasts and start generating useful ranking content.


We start this process with a questionnaire. This questionnaire will help us understand you, your business, and your target clients, but also who your target listeners are, who are the movers and shakers in your industry, and what type of guests you hope to have.

Kickoff Call

We’ll use this questionnaire to drive research which we’ll bring to a kickoff call. Sometimes our clients will already have plans and directions that they have brainstormed for the project, but often we’ll take those ideas in a different direction, utilizing our expertise in the space. We live, breathe, eat, and sleep podcasts and so we know what works and doesn’t.

Plan in Place

During this call we will work out the show concept and format. We also do preliminary planning for artwork, sponsor blurbs, music, video (if the client chooses to incorporate that), as well as podcast equipment and setup. Our goal in the kickoff call is to leave with a plan that is best for our clients and will deliver consistent results for them.

Presentation Deck

We know that some enterprises will want to see a presentation for a project such as launching a new podcast, so we’ve got that covered too. Using the results of all we have done up to this point, we will create a personalized deck for our clients to present to PR, paid media, marketing and communications departments, etc. The deck will include:

  • A plan of action

  • A go-to-market strategy

  • KPIs

  • Name and branding of the podcast


Once approval has been secured and a client is clear to move forward on launching the podcast, we’ll put together a launch schedule for them, which includes creating briefs for those early episodes. A brief is nothing more than a plan for each episode, which can be as scripted or unstructured as the format demands, but will definitely be in the hands of both the host and the guest before the interview so that both can prepare well and bring their A-games to the table.

Done is Better than Perfect

As we noted, putting together a podcast that consistently airs is a new skill set and it can be intimidating to try to pull it off on your own. Don’t let an unrealistic desire for perfection stall out in endless planning without execution. Realize that creating a podcast is a journey that includes ongoing improvement. We’d love to help you start that journey.

Have a topic you want to see us cover on the podcast? Write to our host at

This episode is brought to you by Content Allies. 

Content Allies helps B2B companies launch revenue-generating podcasts. From startups to Fortune 500s, we have helped some of the world's leading companies build and run profitable podcasts. Contact us for your free podcast consultation at