How to get your leadership team to create great content (Hint: It’s not asking them to write blog posts)

A challenge we often see with great companies is that they have an amazing leadership team, but they can’t get those pioneers to create any content to share with the world. 

These leaders may agree to write a blog post or another piece of content, but due to their schedule or level of interest, it just never gets done. 

This is painful for your marketing team because you understand how much your leaders’ expertise could boost your companies authority if only they could create some content.

So how do you get your leadership team to create content?

The secret: don’t have them create the content all by themselves.

At Content Allies, we have a process that does the heavy lifting for these leaders so that the time they spend creating content is minimal and the end product is of the highest quality.

Let’s explore how we accomplish this below.

Content Creation Made Easy

Our content creation process starts with interviewing your leadership team in order to extract their unique and valuable expertise. 

These interviews can take place with one specific subject matter expert or we can rotate around your leadership team to capture different angles and ideas.

We always record these interviews so our creative team has all the relevant information they need to create stellar content. 

From 1 interview, we are able to create many types of content that will truly showcase the authority of your business. The best part is your leaders simply have to agree to the interview and we handle the rest. 

Accelerate your Content Creation Efforts Today

We know all too well that in-house content creation tends to get put on the backburner. But, when the process is spearheaded by a third-party and requires little effort from your leadership team, the goal of producing amazing content is within reach.

We can get the momentum going and produce on-brand results that your whole team will be proud of.

Interested in learning more about our process and the results we bring our clients?

Reach out to us on our website or send us an email at

Jake Jorgovan