How to Promote Your B2B Podcast


As with so many other business processes, getting traction for your podcast isn’t about engineering yourself to go viral, but about consistent best practices that will lead to better and better exposure over time. Once you have the basics in place you can add some other strategies to get more listeners for your content.


There are three basic practices that all podcasts should be doing to ensure a minimum reach of their content among all the other podcasts being produced today:

  • Directory and Platform Syndication  Make sure you are on Apple, Google Play, Spotify, and YouTube with video (if you have it). This ensures you are discoverable.

  • Podcast SEO  Relevant keywords for your podcast belong in your permanent podcast description, but you should also put thought into each episode title and the corresponding show notes to make sure you are winning on SEO.

  • Repurposing Content for Social Media  You should aim to create three to five social media posts out of every podcast. These can include:

    • Short videos

    • Audiograms

    • Quote blocks

We often see guests really run with these posts and give a particular episode (and as a result, the podcast) a whole new group of listeners.


Once you have the basics in place, you can move on to trying to land bigger fish. This can be done in both paid and unpaid ways.


  • Pay to promote or boost your content across social media.

  • QPromote has a partnership with Buffer in which you can pay to become “recommended content.” 

  • You can pay to advertise on other podcasts. Often you can pay anywhere between $500-$2,000 a month to get a sponsor plug on a podcast with decent monthly listens.


If you don’t have the budget for some of the paid strategies, you can instead:

  • Offer content to a trade/industry-specific website. You can either write content for them, including a link to your podcast within the content (also great for backlink SEO), or offer a sponsor plug for them on your podcast in exchange for their sharing your podcast as fresh content on their site. Not sure how to get an “in” to a website if you don’t know anyone? Why not offer to interview one of their team on your podcast? It’s a great way to create a relationship while getting a relevant guest for an episode.

  • Go on a podcast tour. Platforms like MatchMaker enable you to make yourself available to appear on a lot of different podcasts, allowing you to share your ideas (and your podcast) with many new people.

As we noted above, the basics are the minimum you should be doing to get your podcast out to the universe. The minute that you start adding any of the advanced best practices, you’re well on your way to building more authority and knowledge about your podcast.

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This episode is brought to you by Content Allies. 

Content Allies helps B2B companies launch revenue-generating podcasts. From startups to Fortune 500s, we have helped some of the world's leading companies build and run profitable podcasts. Contact us for your free podcast consultation at