How long does it take to produce a podcast with Content Allies?

One of the biggest questions we get from prospective clients is “How much time is this podcast going to take me?”

Many assume that podcasting is a “big commitment” and it’s going to take a big chunk of their time.

Yet when you work with Content Allies, our goal is that you show up for interviews, and we do EVERYTHING else.

Sound too good to be true? Just see what our clients have to say.

“When I started, I was a little bit in disbelief at how easy they made it sound, but it really was very easy.

They did a great job of walking me through, setting up all of the structure for the podcast, designing a website for the podcast.

It really doesn't take much time at all. They book the meetings for me. I show up and interview the guests and then send them the recording.

It is a very simple process, very professionally done. I'm extremely pleased with the results from the Content Allies team and I would recommend them to just about anybody.”

- Ryan Dull, SageMark HR

“I've been pleasantly surprised, I expected it to take more time than it has.

On a per episode basis I think in total time it takes me about an hour.

That is from jumping on, recording the episode with the guest, then later doing a quick review and then forwarding off the intro or email to them.

That is about the extent of my effort on a per episode basis.

It has been freeing to do something like this and not have it take a lot of my time. It's pretty minimal, less than I expected.”

- Nick Fredrick, Rebar Technology

PodcastJake Jorgovan